Lexington Municipal Cemetery
Cemetery Pricing:
Resident $485.00
Resident ½ Lot $245.00
Non-Resident $900.00
Non-Resident ½ Lot $450.00
Resident $520.00 Weekdays
$660.00 Weekends & Holidays
Non-Resident $660.00 Weekdays
$795.00 Weekends & Holidays
Resident Child (under 1 year) $280.00
Non- Resident (under 1 year) $550.00
Cremated Ashes:
Resident $200.00 Weekdays
$225.00 Weekends & Holidays
Non-Resident $250.00 Weekdays
$275.00 Weekends & Holidays
Disinterment/Removal - price determined by the scope of work
Approved by Council December 2018 - Effective January 1, 2019