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Decor - flowers, flower urns,plantings etc...

  1. Winter decorations or artificial wreaths may be placed on graves or gravesites from November 1 through April 1. Grave blankets and wreaths may be placed at the base of the headstone markers utilizing wire or wooden stages to securely position. Blankets and wreaths will be removed during the spring clean-up.

  2. Real or artificial flowers are allowed and must be secured. All other flowers shall be removed. Flowers may be tastefully planted adjacent to the headstone markers. Mulch, coverings of stones, marble, plastic, or wood chips, bricks, stones, plastic edging, and other borders are not permitted.

  3. Flower urns unattended for three years will be removed by the Sexton. The flower units may be claimed by the owner until otherwise disposed of by the Sexton according to the Sexton's discretion. Flower urns shall have a maximum height of 20 inches and a maximum diameter of 16 inches.

  4. All planting of trees, shrubs, plants, or perennial flowers on graves or gravesites is strictly prohibited. For safety reasons, the use of metal rods, wooden posts or crosses, or other such materials for stabilization of decorations or the placing of chairs, settees, glass jars, wood or iron cases or tin cans is strictly prohibited. All items mentioned and any others which are unbecoming to good décor and safety, according to the discretion of the Sexton, are subject to removal. Dead flower baskets will be removed throughout the year. All baskets must be removed by October 30th.

  5. All new plantings on a gravesite, and the location of the plantings, must be approved by the Sexton.

  6. The Village may, in its discretion, place flags of the United States of America on the graves of service personnel a few days prior to Memorial Day. Such flags shall be removed after the celebration of Veterans Day. The flag of the United States of America will be displayed on the central flag pole from May 15th to November 15th of each year. Individual gravesite patriotic flags of less than one square foot may be displayed during the same time period. All gravesite flags must be removed by October 30th of each year.


Decor Removal:


The Sexton may remove or order to have removed all floral designs, trees, shrubs, plants, or herbage of any kind, and may also remove toys or any other kind of non-green decoration as soon as such items become unsightly, detrimental or diseased, in the opinion of the Sexton. The Village has no responsibility to return to the owner any item the Sexton so removes or orders removed. Spring clean-up will occur each year to remove any unclaimed items and other debris from the grounds. Notice will be provided by posting the date prior to clean up.


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